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If you are seraching for an Online Tutor, a Home Tutor, a Coaching Institute, Your search ends here.
You are on the Right Platform.
The Right Mentor fulfils your learninig needs.
Proven success: 90%
Grade improvement
Most of students who attended the tution classes at our tutors have improved their grades significantly.
A Different Approach
To Learning
Our mentors are fully equipped with 21st century advanced teaching and learning tools and tequeniques.
Learning Plans
We customised the strategies and learning plans to enhance the learning experiences for all types of learners.
Entrance Exam Preparation
Tutors available with us for all popular courses and their entrance examinations such as IIT Jee, NEET, IIT Foundation etc.,
We've Got You Covered
We help our members in Finding Suitable Tutors.
The First Step in finding the Best tutors online is becoming our website member.
Once you register your membership, your tuition needs are are shared with our tutors.
The matching tutor will contact you to schedule a demo tution class.
You and the tutor together schedule the time and venue for a demo by mutual concerns.
After the demo class, you discuss with the tutor about your tutoring needs.
Send the feedback to us at info@therightmentor.com about the demo class.
If you satisfy, with the demo class and accept to continue to attend tuition class, submit your filled in application for MENTEE.
Click "Join Us" button provided below to start your tution class with us.
Get Premium Membership
Once you submit your Application form and pay the tuition fee you will become a member at our website.
We call our premium Student members as MENTEE.
The tutor at our website is called MENTOR.
Once you become a MENTEE we provide you access Mentees Pool.
Here you can attend your tuition class and discuss with your Mentor (tutor) and other Mentees (students).