Subject Science
Revision Notes
CHAPTER – 2 Components of Food Nutrients: Food substances thatprovide nourishment to the body. The majornutrients in ourfood are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. In addition, foodalso contains dietary fibres and water. Carbohydrates and fats mainly provide energy to our body. Carbohydrates: cellulose, starch and sugar. Carbohydrates: These are energy-giving compounds. There may be simple carbohydrates orcomplex carbohydrates. Sources of fats: animal fatsand vegetable fats. Fats: These arevery high energy-giving compounds. They produce greater amount ofenergy than carbohydrates. Carbohydrates and fats areEnergy giving food. Minerals: These areelements required bythe body insmall amounts. It is essential for growth anddevelopment of bones, teeth and redblood cells. Proteins: These are body-building foods. They helpin growth ofthe body. Vitamins: These are organic substances that protect the body from diseases. Roughage: It is thedietary fibre present in the food.It facilitates regular movement of thebowels and prevents constipation. Dietary fibre and water are not food. Balanced diet: It provides all thenutrients that ourbody needs, inright quantities, along with adequate amount of roughage andwater. Deficiency Diseases: These are the diseases cause due tothe lack ofrequired nutrients fora long period in the diet. Malnutrition: when a person eatsenough of foodbut his dietis unbalanced, itis known asmalnutrition. Undernutrition: A person noteating sufficient foodto maintain goodhealth is Suffering from undernutrition.
Some Nutrients Deficiency Diseases are: Protein: Kwashiorkar - Stunted growth, thinning of legs,protruding belly. Protein and Carbohydrates – Marasmus – Complete/partial arrest of growth, lackof energy. Vitamin D and calcium : Rickets –Bowed legs, bentspine, deformed bones are joints. Vitamin C: Scurvy – Bleeding and swelling of gums, weakness. Iodine: Goitre – Enlargement of thyroid gland, retarded growth. Iron – Anaemia –Fatigue, loss ofappetite, pale skin. Vitamin K : -Bleeding disease- delay inblood clotting leads to excess bleeding. Beri-beri : - Vitamin B1 - weakness inmuscles, little energy to do work, paralysis Night blindness - Vitamin A - Novision at night or in dimlight.