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CHAPTER – 9 Data HANDLING Data: A collection of numbers gathered to give someinformation. Recording Data:Data can becollected from different sources. Pictograph: The representation of data through pictures of objects. It helps answer the questions onthe data ata glance. Bar Graph: Pictorial representation of numerical datain the formof bars (ractangles) of equal width and varying heights. We have seen that data is a collection of numbers gathered to give some information. To get a particular information from the givendata quickly, thedata can be arranged ina tabular formusing tally marks. We learnt how a pictograph represents data in the formof pictures, objects or parts ofobjects. We have also seen how to interpret a pictograph and answer the related questions. We havedrawn pictographs using symbols to represent a certain number of items orthings. We havediscussed how torepresent data byusing a bardiagram or abar graph. Ina bar graph, bars of uniform width are drawn horizontally or vertically with equal spacing between them. Thelength of eachbar gives therequired information. To do this we also discussed the process of choosing a scale for the graph. For example, 1unit = 100students. We havealso practised reading a given bargraph. We have seen howinterpretations from thesame can bemade.

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