Addition of Decimals: Decimalscan be added by writingthem with equal number of decimals places.Example: add 0.005,6.5 and 20.04.
Solution: Convert the given decimals as 0.005, 6.500 and 20.040. 0.005+ 6.500 + 20.040 = 26.545
Subtraction of Decimals: Decimalscan be subtracted by writingthem with equalnumber of decimalplaces.
Example: Subtract the given decimals as 5.674 and 12.500 12.500– 5.674 = 6.826
ComparingDecimals:Decimalsnumberscanbecompare The givendecimals have distinctwhole number part, so we compare wholenumber part only. The whole number part of 45.32 is greater than 35.69. Therefore, 45.32>35.69.
Using Decimals: Many dailylife problems can be solvedby converting different units of measurements such as money,length, weight, etc. in the decimal form.
100 paise = 1 Rupee
1 paise = 1/100 Rupee = 0.01 Rs. 5 paise = 5/100 Rs. = 0.05 Rs.
105 paise = 1 Rs. +5 paise = 1.05 Rs.
7 Rs. 8 paise= 7 Rs. + 0.08 Rs = 7.08 Rs.
7 Rs. 80 paise = 7 Rs. + 0.80 Rs. = 7.80 Rs.
10 mm = 1 cm
1mm = 1/10 cm = 0.1 cm 100 cm = 1 m
1 cm = 1/100 m = 0.01 m 1000 m = 1 km
1 m = 1/1000 km = 0.001km
1000 g = 1 kg
1 g = 1/1000kg = 0.001 kg
25 g = 25/1000kg = 0.025 kg