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Subject Science

Revision Notes

CHAPTER – 3 Fibre toFabric FIBRE :Fibreis a finethread-like filament. FABRIC : woven cloth. Fibres: There are two types of fibres: (a) Natural Fibres: Thefibres which areobtained from plants and animals. Example: cotton, jute, silkand wool. (b) Synthetic Fibres: aremade from chemicals substance.synthetic fibres aremanmade fibre. Theyare also called artificial fobres.. Examples: rayon, nylon, polyester, etc. Fibres fromplant sources:

Cotton: cotton comes from cotton lant. Both , plant and the fibre are called cotton.cotton is grownin black soiland warm climate. Jute: jute isobtained from stemof jute plant. Hemp ;- Thedrug plant. Flax :- comes fromlinsee plant usedfor weaving linen. Rhea orramie :- is usedfor making sails for boat andalso parachutes. Coir ;- is thefibre which comes from coconut palm. PROCESSING OFCOTTON FIBRE Ginning :-Removal of seedsfrom fibre. Carding :- cleaning andseparating of fibres stuck together. Drawing :- stretching of fibre ( fluffying ). Spinning :- drawing yarn thread from cotton fibre. Weaving :-making cloth or fabric fromyarn. PROCESSING OFJUTE

Retting of plant :-Afterharvesting the juteplants ( stalks ) are retted ( soaked ) in waterfor 10 to 15 daysor more. retting soften the restof the stemtissues other thanfibres. Stripping :-The stalks arestripped to bringout the fibres. This is doneby hand. washing andrying :- The stripped fibres are washed and dried insun. Fibres fromanimal sources: (a) Wool: wool cloth is spun fromyarn made fromthe fibres ofthe thick fleece of sheep. (b) Silk: silk thread is obtained fromthe saliva ofan insect called silkworm. Processing ofwool: It involves four steps: Shearing: The process of removal ofwool from thesheep’s skin. Grading: The process ofseparating fleece fromdamaged wool. Carding: Theprocess after thewool has beenwashed and dried, it is passed through the rollers (that have teeth). Spinning: The process by which fibrsare gathered together and drawn intoa long rope andthen twisted to make yarn.

Fabrics aremade from yarns, which in turnare made fromfibres. Spinning :-The fibres aretwisted to makeyarn . Theprocess of making yarn from raw fibrous materials is called spinning. Making Fabric from Yarn: Itis done bytwo processes: (a) Weaving: The process by two setsof yarns arearranged together toform fabric. Itis done onlooms. weaving involves placing two sets ofthreads or yarnmade of fibre, calle the warp and weft ofthe loom. The warps are drawn tight inparalllel order, withthe weft being interplaced at rught angles to the warps. (b) Knitting: The process by which asingle yarn isused to makefabric. It isdone by handor machines.

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