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Chapter – 17 Forests: our lifeline Forest: Large area of land thickly covered with trees, bushes, etc. Weget various products from the forests around us. Forest is a system comprising various plants, animals and micro-organisms. In a forest, trees from theuppermost layer, followed by shrubs, theherbs to thelowest layer ofvegetation. Different layers of vegetation provide food and shelter for animals, birds and insects. Thevarious components of the forest are interdependent on one another. The forest keeps on growing andchanging, and canregenerate. In the forest, there is interaction between soil, water, air and living organisms. Forests protect the soil fromerosion. Soil helps forests to grow andregenerate. Forests are the lifeline for the forest-dwelling communities. Forests influence climate, watercycle and airquality.

Deforestation: Cutting downof trees isknown as deforestation. Importance of Forests:

Provide timber. Purify air. Provide shelter. Prevent soil erosion. Control floods. Noise absorbers.

Independence of Plants andAnimals in Forest:

Plants and animals depends on eachother to remain alive. All organisms interact with eachother and theirphysical environment to derive energy and survive.

Effects ofdeforestation: Amount of carbon dioxide in air will increase, resulting in the increase of earth’s temperature. (Global Warming) Animals will notget food andshelter. Soil will not hold water, which will cause floods. Endanger lives and environment. Conservation of Forests: Do not allow overgrazing. Promote afforestation. Protect wildlife. Control forest fires. Food Chain: Interdependence between producers and consumers studied in formof various linkage that appears as a chain. or Interdependence of organisms which shows who eatswhom.

Food Web: A system of interdependent foodchains used to represent various relationships inorganisms.

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