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CHAPTER – 16 GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT Waste: A material thathas no longer any value to the person who is responsible for it. Source of Waste: Domestic Wastes: garbage, rubbish, excreta, ashes, sullage are domestic wastes. Industrial wastes: wastes produced by industries. The common industrial wstes are smoke, plastic, objects, glass,fly ash, etc. Agricultural wastes: common agricultural wastes arerice husk, dried stems and straw, weeds and cattle waste. Commercial wastes: wastes generated from commercial establishments such as shops, malls, stores restarurants, hotels, motels, printing press, auto-repair shops, medical facilities.

Type of wastes: Biodegradable wastes: Wastes which can be broken down through the action ofmicroorganisms into theirsimple constituents. Example: plant products, organic wastes, domestic refuse and animal wastes.

Non-biodegradable wastes: Wastes which cannot be disintegrated by action of microorganisms and remains unaffected from decomposition. Example: plastics, glass, metal, scraps, etc. Plastics: Many things are made up of plastics like bags, shoes, bottles, pipes, pens, etc. it cannot beconverted into lessharmful substances by composting. Effect of Plastics: (a) Burning emitspoisonous gases whichcause health problems. (b) Foods thrown in plastic bagsare eaten bystray animals which can lead to death. (c) Carelessly thrown plastic bags chokesewer system. (d) Food stored in badquality plastics canbe harmful.

Management ofPlastics: (a) Do not throw plastics here and there after use. (b) Do not burn pastic bagsand other plastic items. (c) Use paper or cloth bags in place of plastic bags. (d) Educate friends and family members about the proper disposal of plastics.

Management andDisposal of Waste:

(a) 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. It means the reduce waste production, reuse of materials and recycle and reprocessing of waste materials for making newproducts (b) Landfills or Composting: Converting plantand animal wasteincluding that fromkitchen, into manure, is called composting. Low lying openareas to deposite biodegradable waste. (c) Vermi-composting: Method of preparing compost with the help of red worms. Excreta of theworms make the compost very rich in nutrients. Landfill is an area where the garbage collected from a city or town is dumped. The area is later converted into a park. Paper can berecycled to getuseful products. Plastics cannot be converted intoless harmful substances by the process of composting. We need to generate less waste and find ways of dealing with the increasing amount of garbage in our surroundings.

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