Chapter – 10 Respiration in Organisms Respiration isessential for survival of living organisms. It releases energy from the food. The oxygen we inhale isused to breakdown glucose into carbon dioxide and water. Energy is released in the process. The breakdown of glucose occurs in the cellsof an organism (cellular respiration). During heavy exercise when the supplyof oxygen to our muscle cells is insufficient, food breakdown is by anaerobic respiration (without oxygen) Types ofRespiration : 1. External respiration also knownas breathing refers to a process of inhaling oxygen from the airinto the lungsand expelling carbon dioxide from thelungs to theair. Exchange of gases both in andout of theblood occurs simultaneously. 2. Internal Respiration: Process in whichfood is broken down in bodycells various chemical reactions. through Internal respiration are further classified into two parts: (a) Aerobic Respiration: Aerobic respiration takes place in the presence of Carbon dioxide and water arethe end products of aerobic respiration. respiration happens inmost of theorganisms. oxygen. Aerobic (b) Anaerobic Respiration: Anaerobic respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic respiration usually happens in most of the microbes. Alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed at the endof anaerobic respiration. In some cases, lactic acid is formed atthe end ofanaerobic respiration.
Respiration in Plants: Leaves have pores called stomata for gaseous exchange by diffusion. Stems have openings called lenticels forgaseous exchange bydiffusion. Roots have stomatal pores for gaseous exchange of oxygen dissolved in soilwater. Respiration inAnimals: Respiration in animals are vary according to their character like: Earthworm: through their skin Insect: through entire bodysurface Fish: respire through their gills Frogs: through its thin, moistand smooth skinwhen in waterand by lungswhen in land. Respiration inHumans: Inhaled airpasses through nostrils into nasal cavity and then into lungs through windpipe. Breathing is a part of the process of respiration during which an organism takes in theoxygen-rich air andgives out airrich in carbon dioxide. The respiratory organs for the exchange ofgases vary indifferent organisms. During inhalation, our lungsexpand and thencome back to the original state as the air moves outduring exhalation. Increased physical activity enhances the rate of breathing. Inanimals like cow,buffalo, dog andcat the respiratory organs and theprocess of breathing are similar to those in humans.·