Chapter – 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations to Climate Weather: Weather is theday-to-day condition ofthe atmosphere ata place influenced by factors likehumidity, temperature, windspeed, etc. Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in theatmosphere and ismeasured by ahygrometer. Climate: It is the average weather conditions at a specific place over a longer period of time. Factor affecting climate: Topography: Itmeans the shapeof a land. Sea level: Distance from the seaand nearby waterbodies are oneof the influential factors that affect the climate ofa region. Ocean currents: Ocean currents can transfer heatenergy from landto sea or vice versa thus affecting thetemperature of theregion Prevailing winds: Winds distribute particular air masses. The direction ofthe wind candetermine the climate of a region. Human influence: While allthe above arenatural factors, wethe humans areone of themost devastating factors that have triggered this climate change. Adaptations toClimate: The features andhabits that helpanimals to livein a habitat are called adaptations. Three regions are classified according to adaptation: (i) Polar Regions: Polar regions have extreme climate. Sun doesnot rise atpoles for 6months and doesnot set forthe other 6months. (ii) Tropical Rainforest: Having hotsummers and plenty of rainfall. Daysand nights arealmost equal inlength throughout theyear. (iii) Desert: Have extreme climate. Receive less rainfall and large amount of sunlight. Migration: (i) Itis the massmovement of animals, mostly birds, fromcolder places to warmer regions to escape thecold, to breed or due toshortage of food.
(ii) Birds areguided by thesun during theday and thestars at night.
Example: Siberian crane comes to Indiafrom Siberia every year.